Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ricky, Come Home!!

We have hit a wall.

There was a lot of grumpiness in our house this morning.

The kids went to bed later than usual.

I woke up in the night convinced that Laila was screaming. When I checked, she was sound asleep.

That left me up for a while because once I wake up, I can't get back to sleep!

Laila has been really fussy this afternoon.

Isaiah didn't even fight taking a nap.

I may lay down for a bit myself.

Rick is flying over the ocean right now.

I am counting down the hours until he returns.

We should have him home tomorrow afternoon.

Tonight, we are having early bedtimes.

Tomorrow, we begin counting down the minutes to his return.

We survived, but I don't want to do it again for a LONG TIME!! Oh, wait, we get to do this again in July. At least it won't be snowy and cold then.

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