Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kids are Hard Work

On Sundays, Cody goes to his class during one service and volunteers in the junior leadership program at church for the second service. Each week he serves in a classroom helping with younger children. He enjoys, and he is really good at it.

Today, I took the kids to first service. He had the opportunity to stay for second service and serve, so he did.

When he came home, he sounded down. I asked how it went. He said fine. Then I said, "Are you okay?"

His response was, "I am tired."

I asked, "Are you glad you stayed?"

His response, "Yes, kids just wear me out." (Yes, sir they do. I had to smile. It was a moment where he had a small glimpse into my world. I think that is good for him.)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, that's awesome. :) I can see Owen saying something like that as he gets older and helps out more with entertaining his younger siblings or other little kids. Cute!
