Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Spending Fast - Day 6 - Little Blessings

I did a run to Wal-mart and Albertsons today that totaled $80. That was more than what I wanted to spend, but I think I am set for a while other than a few basics like milk. I think, if I am remembering correctly that brings my total so far for the month to about $145. That is more than I wanted to spend at this point, but I don't think it is unreasonable considering that I am feeding and housing 8 people.

I think the thing that God has shown me today are that He gives little blessings in the midst of this sacrifice that we are making. I have been able to share these examples with the kids, and it seems to have made a big impact on them. Here are two examples.

Yesterday, at MOPS, we did a kids toy and clothing swap. I was able to round up a few things to give away, but I was shocked at some of the great things I found for my kids, jeans for Lauren, something that she goes through like crazy, some shoes for Sam that he REALLY likes, and some great items for Isaiah and Laila. I also found a Curious George monkey for Abby. She is crazy about monkeys.

I found out that Chick-fil-a is doing free breakfast every Wed. morning for the month of Jan. So, this morning, we left early and took advantage of it. All of these things cost absolutely nothing. The kids and I talked about what a neat blessing it will be to have a free Chick-fil-a breakfast every Wed. this month. We saw it as a little blessing from God.

So, not only are we sacrificing, but we are seeing blessings in the midst of it.

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