Saturday, January 30, 2010

Not Again?!?!

Cody had Renaissance Day on Friday at school. He, once again (sigh), needed a costume! If he didn't wear one, it would affect his grade.

Really? Do you people not know how complicated my life is right now? Don't you know that I have 6 children, I am NOT crafty, and my son has sensory issues that make wearing these costumes very uncomfortable?

To top it all off, I forgot. Cody reminded me the night before. This was the same night that Rick was out of town and I had no self control with my kids(see previous post titled, "Lots of Drama Makes Me a Grumpy Mama").

All of these circumstances make me even more proud of myself when I see the end product that Cody and I came up with. Please, tell me you are impressed with my mad crafting at the last minute skills?
Here he is(yes, I know he needs a haircut. Remember, we are on a spending fast!)
I love this pose