Sunday, January 24, 2010

Spending Fast - Day 24 - The Cost of Convenience

This is the last week of our spending fast. Mostly, it has been easy, but I am ready to have a break. That doesn't mean that I will spend money the same way that I did before. I will definitely spend differently. I don't think you can go through a month of giving up anything and go completely back to your old ways, at least not right away. I am actually praying about another fast for Feb., but haven't determined what that will be yet.

The biggest struggle that I have faced in this fast is giving up my conveniences. It takes planning and work to live on only what you need. This past week was one of those where I would have gotten something easy for us to eat at least one night like pizza. It was a hard week emotionally and physically with sick kids and going through some really difficult life circumstances with multiple families in our church. We had something going on every night as well. That makes cooking a lot harder.

There have been several opportunities to spend money this month for things that would make our lives easier, but we have sacrificed. There have been times where we did some fun things that would have been enhanced by the opportunity to spend money, but we stuck with our fast. I missed out on a women's event at church. The kids missed out on getting snacks at their school's talent show. There have also been a lot of fun things that we have done where we didn't have to spend a penny. It was fun to experience those times as well and celebrate together our commitment that we kept.

With six children 11 and under in the phase of life that we are in, choosing convenience over cost is sometimes the wiser option. My time is very valuable, and I am spread very thin. To be able to order pizza or get takeout periodically helps me keep my sanity. Right now, my time is better spent doing other things than even more dishes so I buy paper plates. I think we all have to examine where we are in life and what our resources are. Then, decide what things to spend on and what things to put in the extra work for.

I am excited to see how much money I have saved this month. I know it is going to surprise me. I am also excited to be able to take advantage of some of the conveniences that are out there that make my life a little easier. Just a few more days. I am sure I will have more lessons to learn before this week is over.

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