Sunday, January 31, 2010

February Challenge

When I think about February, I think about love. One of my traditions with the kids is to memorize 1 Corinthians 13 each February. We haven't done that in a couple of years, but we are bringing it back this month. Whenever we are learning this passage I try to use it when dealing with discipline issues with our kids, especially sibling rivalry. I will ask, "Was that kind, was that envious, are you boasting etc.?" It is a great tool for teaching.

We also have a heart box that we secretly pass around throughout the month on each others' pillows with a surprise in it. It is fun. No one knows who will get it next and what will be in it. We celebrate mid-month with a Candlelight Valentine's Dinner as a family. The month always ends celebrating Rick's bday. He will be 39 years old this year!! Wow! I am married to an old man! (I am putting this in to see if Rick really reads my blog like he says he does.)

I have recently met a new friend in the blogging world. Her name is Cathy. You can check out her blog here. She mentioned on her blog the idea of showing kindness as a challenge for Feb. She has not shared the specific details of her challenge, but reading that got me to thinking about my own challenge.

Showing kindness comes fairly easy to me. I get blessed when I can bless others. It is fun to me to do things for other people. Serving is one of my spiritual gifts. It really wouldn't be too much of a challenge for me to show kindness each day. I feel like as I write this, it sounds like I am bragging. That is not what I am trying to do. I am just sharing how much fun it is for me when I can serve others. What I do tend to do is show kindness to others at the expense of my own family. So, I decided my challenge should be to show kindness to my children in the month of Feb. Each day, I want to do some act of service or some kind of surprise for one of my children. I want to really bless them and be purposeful about it. I am asking God to show me ways that I can minister to my children this month. Does anyone want to join me? If so, let me know. We can share how we are blessing our kids and showing love to them in the month of Feb.


  1. I am in. Showing particular love and kindness is exactly what my heart needs. I am going to add my husband in the mix, too. And maybe even myself on occasion. Sometimes I neglect to remember how much God loves me too.

  2. I can't believe you called me old! Hurtful... :) See I do read it!
