Monday, January 11, 2010

Spending Fast - Day 11 - The Gift Card Question

This effort on my part continues to be a learning experience for me. When I focus on what I have, I just don't feel the need to buy more. Hey, I can't even keep the stuff I have under control on most days. Obviously, food is something that has to be replenished, but I am trying to make a concerted effort this month to use some of the stock I have built up in my pantry and freezer.

I will have to purchase some milk and fruit this week, but other than that, we should be good for the week. That is exciting to me. I am cooking more than I have in quite a while. It takes planning and work, but it is much more enjoyable to sit down together for a meal than to fix misc. items for everyone and have them come and go at the table. Sitting down together at the same time to eat is a great touch point for our family each day. We can't do it every day, but I like doing it as much as possible.

I have read some discussions on other blogs of people doing a similar experiment for the month. One of the issues that has been brought up is gift cards. Should they be used during this month? My answer is, "Why not?" We received some gift cards for Christmas. We haven't used any of them yet, but we may before the month is over. Some would say that is "cheating." I guess my response is, "If someone bought me a latte, I would drink it. If someone brought a meal to our family, I would eat it." I view gift cards as a gift given to me by someone else to use at my discretion. I don't see the use of one or two gifts cards taking away from a month of lessons and experiences. So, there. That is my stand. That is what I have decided in my rules. I will let you know if I decide to use one of those gift cards.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Laura, especially for the structure of your experiment. Perhaps others are striving to live without extras altogether, which is different than learning to spend only for what you NEED (which is how I understand you). In your case, you didn't spend to get the card; you received the gift in love. Spend away...and let it be yet another instance of God blessing you.
