Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Least Favorite Chore

I REALLY HATE mopping the floor! I can usually find a reason not to do it. When we moved into this house, the kitchen floor was white. Yes, can you believe that? What person in their right mind would put white kitchen floors in a house that will most likely have children. Eventually we were able to replace those floors. My one request was that the new floors be the color of dirt. That way, no one but me would really know how dirty the floors were. It has worked beautifully.

I do have to clean them though periodically for sanitary purposes. So, today, I recruited Lauren and Isaiah to help me. They actually enjoyed it. Maybe I will have them do it more often. Who knows how long it has been since these floors have been cleaned?

Here are Lauren and Isaiah with their "cleaning shoes" on
You may ask, "What are 'cleaning shoes'?" Well, they are t-shirts dipped in soapy, hot water wrapped around their feet like shoes. First, they clean the floors by skating around.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Once the floors are cleaned, they put dry, clean t-shirts on their feet and skate around to dry the floor. Notice my "dirt colored floors."

Now they are actually clean. It really is a revolutionary way to clean the floor. Unfortunately, I can't take credit for this method. Rick came up with it. Now, it is the only way to go.

Since I did the "allowance" post, I have had questions regarding our other systems. I will soon be posting our systems for chores, privileges, and meals. I know you are all on the edge of your seats.

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