Sunday, March 14, 2010

Home, Clean Home

Here is the evidence that my house is on the market:
Sign in our yard
Lockbox on the door
So, if someone could come buy it now, that would be nice.

I am home from the retreat.

There was one showing while I was gone.

It was nice to come home to a clean house.

Now if we could just live in it.

I don't really expect that to happen until we can get a real contract and move.

How long will that be?

God only knows.

I pray that He will give me the strength to endure.

It was a profound weekend.

So much to process.

Back to the real world.

I kind of like my real world.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura!
    I want to introduce you to FlyLady. She has really helped me at my house. Just google "fly lady". I know your older kids will like the Riley Challenges. Just thought I would share.
