Friday, July 30, 2010

Why I Share

I cannot tell you how many responses I have received over my last two posts.

Many are encouraged, and many have encouraged me.

I share because I want to be open and honest.

I share because I want my life and journey to minister to others.

I think so often in the Christian community we try to create these plastic images of ourselves and what our lives are like.

They aren't real and in the process we rob ourselves and others of the joy and community of walking together through these struggles.

I am not a writer and have never really claimed to be.

Some blogs are very eloquently written.

Some blogs present this imaginary world that no one could ever possibly live.

When you read my blog, what you see is what you get.

Sharing in this way is therapeutic for me.

Hopefully along the way, someone will be impacted.

Hopefully, it will serve as a record for my children and give them a glimpse into my heart that they would not have otherwise.

So, I plan to keep sharing. I love it when you share with me.

Let's do this together as the body of Christ, the church!!

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