Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Savoring the Silence

Things have settled down around here for the night.

This is the time that gives me refreshment so that I can face the next day.

I just have to say how much I admire all the women who do this alone whether they are single moms, their husbands travel a lot, or their husbands are gone for extended periods of time for military service. You ladies really pay the price.

When Rick is home, I have a person to vent to about the frustrations of my day.

Since he is not here, my blog became that today.

I can't even tell how you good it felt just to type it out. It was a relief.

I got some really sweet responses. That really brought comfort to me knowing that if I am truly in need, there are people in my life that will step up and meet that need for him.

I know that is comforting to Rick as well.

God is in control, and He uses days like today in my life to teach me about who I am and to draw me closer to Him.

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