Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another day in the life.

It has been a hard morning.

I started the day doing some reading and don't know how to process what I read.

My kids are very demanding today.

I was trying to do some special things for them, and it seems to be backfiring.

Don't you hate it when they don't get it? The sacrifices you make, the effort you put forth.

Instead of thank yous and gratitude you get statements like, "You don't care about me," and "Why can't I do this instead?"

Laila breaks down emotionally when she is hungry. I am starting to recognize it, but I forgot today. She had this total meltdown. After a long fit, I finally got her calmed down. The only word she could say was "snack."

Today, they are getting the best of me.

I am quite outnumbered.

If I don't blog for more than 2 days, send a rescue team.

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