Thursday, August 5, 2010

Holdin' On

"I know that there is pain, but you hold on for one more day, and you break free, break from the chains."

Remember that song by Wilson Phillips? I remember it from my teaching days before Rick and I were married.

That sums up how I feel today. I am holding on until my overnight getaway.

I am trying so desperately to break free from so many chains that hold me back. It is painful.

It feels so much like a 1 step forward, 3 steps backward process.

I have a day of encouragement and growth. I have a day where I see a difference.

Just when I let my guard down, the attack ensues.

I am talking "take my breath away/punch in the gut" kinds of attacks.

I am left on the ground curled up in a ball trying to make myself get back up and continue the good fight that I know is so worthwhile.

This time away can't come soon enough.

I need it for rest. I need it for reflection. I need it for strength to continue the battle.


  1. Knock down 7 times get up 8! You are a victorious woman! Your rest will come but until then ponder the words of a song my friend wrote.

    Be still
    And know
    Know that I am God
    Quiet your heart and steal away
    Rest on my Word
    And you can rest assured
    Be Still
    And know that I am God
    And know that I am God.

    Be encouraged friend.

  2. I love your honesty. It's so tempting to think everyone "has it together" and you are an easy one to think that about. Love, love, love you. And am very encouraged by you as well... ps- what's the name of that book about sensory stuff we talked about?? Hosanna
