Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tombs and The Lord's Supper

I think this is probably my favorite Easter tradition. We started this with Cody when he was little. It is a good one because little ones can participate. You take large canned biscuits, like Grands, and big marshmallows. The biscuit represents the tomb and the marshmallow represents Jesus. Roll out the biscuits, put the marshmallow inside, and pinch the dough together surrounding the marshmallow. Then, bake the biscuits in the oven according to the package directions. When they are done, let them cool for a few minutes. From the heat of the oven, the marshmallow will melt into the biscuit. When the biscuit tomb is opened, it is empty because Jesus is alive!!

We take the biscuits and sparkling juice, and Rick leads us in the Lord's supper as a family.
Isaiah was so funny with his facial expressions as we opened the tombs. He was so animated and into the what we were telling him. After listening and waiting he anxiously said, "Can I eat God now?"


  1. LOVE these posts. LOVE your traditions. :)

  2. ((((((((((LAURA))))))))))

    I love it!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!


  3. We did this with my boys and my nephews this year. It was SUCH a mess, but I've always loved this one. Last year, we did it with zillions of kids in children's church and baked them there in the church kitchen! Even bigger mess, but such a cool visual.
