Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Story Cookies

We ended the night with the little ones in bed while we made Easter Story Cookies. The cool part about this recipe is that there are Scripture verses to go with each step of the process. I love being able to use the kids' senses of taste, touch, smell, and sight to draw them into the Easter story. As the kids are getting older, they are able to read the Scripture verses. Sam and Abby read for the first time in this tradition. That was special.
Crushing the pecans reminding us of Jesus being beaten.
Sam reading John 3:16 with his daddy.
Before bed, the cookies are put in the oven and sealed just like the tomb. When we wake up in the morning, the "tomb cookies" will be empty inside just like the empty tomb.


  1. We did this too!!! The cookies turned out great & jack got the symbolism. Fun!
