Friday, April 23, 2010

Snow Day???

Yes, it is the end of April. Yes, today is a snow day. Yes, I really hate snow, especially when I would rather be wearing shorts!

I don't want to dwell on the negative here. One fabulous thing about today is that we are all home together because there is no school and it is Rick's day off. We had a big breakfast. This is one of our weekly traditions that we have had to forgo for the last several weeks because we have had showings on most Saturdays. Today we got to experience it again which was really good for the fam.

I could really use a day of relaxation as a family at home.
So, on second thought, bring on the snow!!
You can't tell in these pictures, but the snow is coming down like crazy.
When I first woke up, I couldn't figure out what all the hoopla was about and why school had been cancelled. Now, I can see that the snow is supposed to continue all day long and a snow day was a good decision.

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