Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here we go...

This week is going to be crazy!!

I just know it.

I have spoken to my children about my state of mind, and requested (well, let's be honest, begged) that they cooperate with me and each other.

My stress tank is full so any little thing just might send me over the edge.

I think if we all understand that, we can try to work together.

The house is still a total disaster. I am not sure if that is really going to change.

We are down to the wire on our supply purchasing and packing.

The washing machine and dryer will be going non-stop for the next 3 days.

I am checking things off my list at warp speed.

We are renting lots of movies to keep kids occupied.

Blizzards and sweet tea are becoming essential for sanity.

A rock star friend has stepped up and arranged some meals for us this week!! Thank you, Hosanna!! My family thanks all of you who are participating. Who knows what they would be eating without this blessing!

I have a notepad by my bed that I continually add to throughout the night. It goes something like this: sleep, wake up, think of something that needs to be done, add it to the list, repeat the cycle several times throughout the night.

The idea of an 18 hour plane ride sounds heavenly to me right now. At that point everything that is going to be done, will be done.

Wow!! 1 week from today I leave for Swaziland!! Can't wait to see you, Swazi friends!!!

I better get to work!

Even in the midst of all the craziness, I feel it is a HUGE privilege to be a part of what God is doing in Swaziland!! Thank you, Lord!

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you that the long plane ride sounds glorious right now :-) i've gotten REALLY good at writing in my notepad in the dark at 2 am.
