Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Few Days Off

I am going to take a few days off from blogging.

Just warning everybody so you don't think I have dropped off the face of the earth.

I am hoping to use my time to really seek God in some areas of my life right now.

I won't be doing facebook, reading blogs, or writing on my blog.

I think I will be shocked to see how much extra time that gives me. I know, really sad to admit.

I will check my email once a day because there are some time sensitive things that I receive especially related to the kids' school.

So, if you need to hear from me about something urgent, email me.

Otherwise, I would love your prayers.

Hearing from God would be a good thing right now. Hopefully, if I remove some distractions, that will be a little easier to do!!


  1. I hope this time away from being connected gives you the peace you're seeking.

  2. You are a good example :) Hosanna

  3. I'm surprised you even have time to do all the blogging you do. I'm sure your kids need you more than the computer.

  4. I do the same thing periodically. For me, blogging is a good outlet because I process things when I write, but it is good to step away sometimes. I always enjoy your writing and will pray for refreshment during this time of switching things up. Come back when you're ready! Us writers need to hear from other writers. :)

  5. Good for you Laura! I do not miss blogging at all anymore and have cut back with the amount I read blogs. I actually have not been fbing as much either and it feels good. Blessings to you during your break!
