Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Letting Go of My Control

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will remember the post I did on the 15 loads of laundry. I explained in that post all of the reasons why I do my kids laundry instead of teaching them. Since that time, I have been thinking a lot about the whole laundry thing. I have spoken to some moms of 6 or more kids, and every one of them has said how important it is for my sanity to have my kids do their own laundry. This week, I am giving up the fight. I am relinquishing control. I am trying to entrust this new task to the four older kids. The older girls share a room and the older boys share a room so it is natural that they would do their laundry together. I will continue to do Isaiah's and Laila's and Rick's and my laundry. Wow, laundry for only 4 people seems like such a luxury at this point.

The girls were first. They did really well. I took them through the step-by-step process of sorting and stain removal. I explained about load sizes and water temperature and folding and putting everything away. Here are a few pics of the process:

Today I have been working with the boys. They are stepping up to the plate as well. I snuck this picture before Cody knew. After he figured out I was taking pictures, he would not participate in the photo shoot.

Why do I underestimate my kids so much? They are so capable. There may be a few casualties along the way in clothing items, but the lesson they are learning is much more valuable. I am hoping that by doing their own laundry, they will think twice about the amount of clothes they go through in a day. If they are responsible for it, maybe they will put their clothes away properly. If they wake up and don't have the uniform item they need for school, it will be their fault and their problem, not mine. I am all about them learning responsibility and walking alongside them in the process. I think this method will be much more effective than me continuing to nag them about their clothes. It feels freeing in so many ways.

This is just one example of the turmoil that I am battling right now as I adjust to a household of 8 people. I have to give up the old ways of doing things. I have to change. I don't like to change. I resist it on almost every level. One example is when we move into a new house. Wherever I put the furniture when we move in, is where it will stay until we move out. I just like things a certain way. It is familiar and comfortable to me. Everything about my life over the last year as we adopted and Isaiah and Laila was scary and uncomfortable. When I look now at the blessing of having them in our lives, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Letting go of control is a good thing for me.


  1. i love that the girls are in cozy christmas jammies. i want to come to YOUR house :)

    (i'm glad you gave that job to the kids...good for them....good for you...just plain GOOD)

  2. Isn't it so interesting how some things - like controlling laundry, for goodness sake - are so symbolic? To you, laundry represents control in your home, the image of the mother you had always pictured yourself to be, a way of preserving the money you spend on your kids clothes & whatever other ideals in your heart. I love that the Lord is refining your character through LAUNDRY! Its hilarious, but truthful. I love your honest, humorous, insightful commentary of your life, Laura. I'm proud of the laundry milestones for your wonderful kids and you!

  3. I am also proud of you for giving this responsibility back to your kids. While my oldest is the age of your youngest-oldest (hee hee) and therefore I can't see this happening for a long while, I relate to you a lot with laundry and this inspires me. There is hope that the kids will do this themselves someday!! Hallelujah! Although at the same time I want to say, "I'll just do it" because I know it'll be done right, or better at least. :) I do need to enforce having O & C put their own stuff away at least as I just don't have a good system for that yet. Baby steps! By the way, I love the new background. It's a lot easier to read the black text on the white background than the brown. Loved the look of the other too, but like this one better.
