Thursday, October 8, 2009


I am experiencing a high level of frustration in my life right now. I just can't get ahead. I told Rick last night that I am sinking more each day, and I just want to be able to start on level ground so that I can work towards getting ahead. Every time I try to get ahead, I experience a setback. Yesterday was the perfect example. I worked it out where I could come home from dropping the kids off at school at 9:00 AM and not have to leave the house again until 3:00 PM. I had all these big plans to accomplish so much. Well, that didn't happen. In my mind as I dream of all I will accomplish, I don't factor in the kids. Isaiah was a piece of work yesterday, making my ability to work very limited.

I am also experiencing a lot of frustration with the kids. My kids each have one or two issues that I continually have to deal with. I think that is pretty normal. We all have weaknesses and those tend to result in recurring misbehavior. It gets old and I get really frustrated saying the same things over and over without any results. A realization hit me this morning. With 6 kids, I have more of these types of things to deal with than if I only have 2 or 3. Even if each kid only has 2 behaviors that they repeat regularly, that results in 12 regular and repeated issues for me to deal with. That is in addition to other one-time issues that arise on a regular basis. I want to figure out a way to live above these frustrations, but I have not figured that out yet. If only there was a magic answer!!

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