Friday, October 16, 2009

Day with Grammy

The weather was perfect today for a picnic at the park. We left Rick and Cody at home to keep Cody rested, and the rest of us picked up some food and headed to the Charlotte's Web Park and the Alice In Wonderland Park. The kids had a blast.

Lauren and Laila

Isaiah pushing Grammy on the swing. After pushing her, he kept forgetting to move back. He kept getting knocked over. He would just laugh and get back up!

Sam is concentrating while he rides that pig

Abby is chewing on some straw while she rides the horse. Doesn't she look peaceful?

Isaiah on the slide
Last week day of Fall Break. Time well spent.

1 comment:

  1. I looooooooooooove the story of Isaiah falling over every time he pushed his Grammy. hahahhahahahaha!
