God really answered our prayers in this process. We found this truck and the whole process of purchasing it was very encouraging. It is a 2004, but only has 42,000 miles on it. The inside looks BRAND NEW!! I didn't realize how bad our other one looked until I tried out this new one.
Rick and I were laughing because this truck has been "souped" up a bit. It has bigger tires and nicer wheels. It also has more of a "truck sound" to it than our other one. We have joked about putting lights under it and hydraulics in it.
The really cool part about this truck is that God directed our path straight to it. We asked Him to do that, and He did. The lot that we bought it from was operated by very strong believers. There was an instant connection with them before we even knew their story. We left there feeling God's Hand in the process. That really helps when such a big purchase is being made.
Without further ado, here it is:
The kids LOVE it! We had our talk last night about taking care of it and not trashing it.
Laila's response was my favorite. She said, "It's so beautiful. It is a "Tangled" truck." Anything she loves is a "Tangled" thing.
I took the kids out for their first ride today. It was fun to celebrate the gift God has given us! I pray we can get many years of memories out of it!
Ok. I absolutely love Laila's comment about the truck. Now that is adorable.