Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Neverending Travel

We are sitting in Washington, Dulles airport.

Our team arrived in the U.S. this morning from our trip.

Our travel time so far has been 37 hours.

The team left for their flights back to CO around 1:30.

The four of us have been sitting here for 6 hours and have just been notified that our flight has been delayed 3 more hours.

Please pray that we are able to leave at that time. We are beyond exhausted and so ready to see Abby, Sam, Isaiah and Laila.

Cody and Lauren have been such troopers as we travel, but even they have their limits.

Once we arrive in Nashville, we have a 1 1/2 hour drive to get to my parents' house. When all is said and done, our travel time will be at least 43 hours!!

I have so much more to tell from our trip, but no energy to do it right now.

There are so many stories and pictures to share.

For now, thank you for your prayer support during our trip. We could feel it and know that God used it to accomplish great things!!

1 comment:

  1. O gosh, I know how brutal travel can be. Yikes. Hang in there - sweet rest and relief is in sight! Hugs and prayers.
