This is the boat that we went out on.

The weather was beautiful, sunny but also windy so that we could put up the sails and let it go. The kids were so excited to see the bedrooms, kitchen and bathrooms below the deck. One of their favorite things was going to the bathroom down below while we were sailing. It is the little things, people, that really thrill my children.
The kids were a little fearful and hesitant at first, not sure what to expect, but as we headed out, they became more comfortable and settled in. Then, the really cool part was to go to the front and watch as we sailed.
I loved watching as the guys raised the sails and talked in their sailing language. It is a whole new thing to me. Having extra sets of hands to help out with the kids was also such a blessing. It allowed both Rick and me to experience everything fully as well.
Rick, Sam, and Isaiah at the front of the boat.

Abby has not wanted her picture taken lately. Oh, well, then I will take it like this.

Lauren chilling in her seat.

Family sailing picture

Captain Isaiah steering the boat. (By the way, this kid talked non stop the whole time.)

Laila was our little "marshmallow girl" in her life jacket.

At one point, Cody was at the front of the boat and got soaked by the water splashing up. He didn't go back to that spot again!!

We just can't thank our "sailing crew" enough for giving us this adventure. It was fun to spend the day with you. I think our whole family agrees that sailing is awesome!!

Sam was quite the sailor. He connected with sailing more than any of the other kids.
At one point, he came to me and said, "Mom, I have decided I want to be a sailor when I grow up." Before today he was deciding between policeman and football player.

These pictures do not do the experience of seeing the dolphins justice.

Some seals hanging out.

More dolphin viewing

WOW! I was excited just reading about the dolphins - I can imagine what a special experience it must have been to actually sail right next to them! I love what a special trip you are having! Thanks for recording it for us to read - I am thoroughly enjoying your daily blogs. =)