Laila loves her daddy!

Laila and Daddy packing lunches for the trip.

I just love this picture of my big boys.

Sam, who learned to serve earlier in the day, was now teaching one of the other boys.

That reminds me, this chick is addicted to her "noni"(binky). I don't know how we are going to break her of it without much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Usually, at 2 years old, we restrict the "noni" to the bed. Since we are on a trip, I plan to wait until we return home. I am probably as addicted to it as she is because it makes my life a lot easier, too!
We came back to the condo for a dinner of homemade pizza and brownies.

Blowing out our "makeshift" Birthday Candles.

"Let me just lick this first and make sure it is okay."

She also thanks me each time I change her diaper. When we have come back each night from the beach the kids are all so dirty and need baths. Every step of the process, she is thanking me. I wash her, she thanks me. I dry her off, she thanks me. I put lotion on her, she thanks me. It is so precious. She HATES it when I have to comb through her hair. She gets these huge crocodile tears that are so sad looking. When it is over, we always end with a kiss to make sure she knows that I love her.
She has definitely entered the independent stage of being 2. Her new phrase that we hear regularly is "I do it." She wants to walk all the time instead of being carried. She doesn't want help with anything. She has to have a turn at fixing her hair and putting on lotion. She loves to blow her nose. She prays out loud at night before bed. Her prayer usually consists of naming each member of the family along with the word "sleep," ex. Daddy sleep, Mommy sleep. etc. followed by a passionate "amen!"
She has blossomed in so many ways over the last year in our family. I don't even recognize her as the little girl that I met in March '09. She has gone from being a emotionless little baby to an energetic, beautiful, active, and loving little girl.
Happy birthday, sweet Laila! We would have loved to celebrate your birthday with you, but it looks like you and your wonderful family celebrated very well. The White family loves you and prays for you. Hugs to you, sweet Hope in the Darkness!