Monday, November 16, 2009

Walmart-enough said

I don't really even have to say anything in this post. I could just leave the title and most of you would understand completely. I am only writing because I think it will be therapeutic for me.

I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart. I love the deals, but I hate going there, especially with my children. Today I HAD to go. I only had Isaiah and Laila with me, but 1 1/2 hrs. later I was a mess. Between Isaiah throwing things out of the cart, trying to open things, thinking I shouldn't purchase certain things, getting hungry and throwing a fit and Laila constantly throwing her binky on the floor and then screaming I just didn't know if I would survive. I had a break from this last year when it was only Sam and me. He was 5 years old and a helper when shopping. I am back to the old days and I am remembering how hard it was. It is only Monday, and I think it might take me all week to recover.


  1. Going to Walmart with two preschoolers the week before Thanksgiving sounds like a death wish to me. Stop the madness, Laura! No more suicide missions!

  2. remember how we used to switch so we could go alone? ah, the days of old...

  3. Oh, I hear you dear one! The sheer emotional exhaustion from a Walmart shopping is a killer. I went on my own today and was surprised at how easy it was. It's been quite awhile since I've had a solo expedition to Walmart. Still lots of rude people, very crowded, out of several things I needed--but it just wasn't as tough as usual. Grocery shopping is honestly one of my very least favorite things at this point in my life. It's been a HUGE lesson for me, though, to always have grace and a smile for each and every mom chasing down a kiddo or pushing a cart with a screaming child in it.

  4. Laura, this is a seriously good reminder for me that my everyday life of errands is about to change! (someday) When we adopt siblings 5 and under and my oldest (now a senior) leaves for college. Thanks for the reality check! Expectations are so key. And yet, like you, I wouldn't trade my life for anything. It's a privilege to respond to God's call on my life!

    I am reminded of Moses, whose arms grew tired during battle and needed Aaron and Hur to hold them up so they would continue to win. We just need that support sometimes. WalMart can be a battleground and we can't always find someone to hold our arms up.

    On a funny note - as I was reading your entry, I thought you were saying Isaiah was throwing up in the could've been worse!

    Do you think anyone watches the security videos and laughs at us? Do you think God gets a chuckle every now and then?

  5. Nicole, you are so right. That trip would have been way worse if Isaiah was throwing up!! It can always be worse. That is a good reminder!! I can't even imagine what the security camera footage would look like. I am just glad they can't read my mind!!

    God's calling does supersede our comfort!!
