Cody has really started loving football. He and Rick watch together and they really get into the game. They cheer and yell as the game progresses. Doesn't he look cool in his hat?
Lauren's hat is light blue, but it is hard to tell in this picture.
Abby has a visor. It fits her personality.
Sam has wanted a Cowboy's hat for a long time. It is hard to find his size here. He said today, "I don't know if I will ever take this off." He even coordinated his outfit this afternoon to look cool with his hat.
Isaiah was very excited to have a hat, too. He is very proud of it.
Laila got a Frog Princess coloring book because they didn't have hats her size, and we already have 2 that will fit her from our Dallas days. It was so cute to see her coloring. It was the first time she ever really took an interest.
um...Go Broncos! :)