Wednesday, June 6, 2012

This week...

...we spent our Saturday "Living the Mission" with our church by doing yard work for 2 single moms.  That was fun!!

...Rick and I got to pray alongside our Life Group for some members who are moving into their first home very soon.

...the kids have been in VBS.  That means a break for mom!!  Coffee date with a friend where I got a free frap for waiting in line so long.  Chick-fil-a date with another friend where I got a free sweet tea!

...I bought a new swimsuit.  I am still recovering from the trauma of that.

...I found 2 pairs of jeans at Goodwill for a total of $8.00.  Yay!

...we are getting ready for a trip to KY.  It feels weird to not be getting ready for a trip to Africa as well.  October, I am telling myself, October.

...both Lauren and Sam have had playdates with friends.

...I registered Laila for preschool.  Yes, I will have 2 1/2 hours to myself on Monday-Thursday during the next school year.  That sounds absolutely luxurious!!

...I am praying for a family who is approaching the one year mark with their adopted kids home and are needing God to work in their family.

...I am praying for several other families who are in various stages of the adoption process.

...Cody is doing his dog walking job each day.

...we are watching the seeds that were planted in Abby's garden poke through the ground and grow.  We ate cilantro from the garden on Monday!!

...we had a fun time last night chatting into the wee hours with a friend who is home for a visit.

...I am enjoying the summer weather.  Did I mention how much I love my air conditioners?

...Rick's vacation begins the minute he leaves work today!!!!  Ba-bam!

...I am less than one week away from turning 40 years old!!  That is a whole other level of trauma.  My hubby is taking me to the beach for a few days to recover!!

...I realize I use a lot of exclamation points in my blog posts!!

...I am not cooking again until after vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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