We finished off the second half of our week with some projects at home and some time with friends.
When we came home from the movies on Tuesday, I proclaimed it "everyone(including me) clean their rooms" time. We all got to work and ended up with a clean upstairs. I even tackled the hallway a bit!
On Wed., Sam had a playdate here at the house. I spent most of the day cleaning my laundry room. Let me just say, I do not have a big laundry room, but it was disgusting. I guess that is one of the downsides of the kids doing their own laundry. There was detergent, fabrics softener, and lint everywhere. Not to mention that this room had become my dumping ground for things I didn't have a place for. I cleaned this room thoroughly, cleaning the walls, the blinds, the curtain, the floor, the machines, etc. It took me about 5 hours, but it is done and it looks, oh, so good! I gave the kids a small tutorial on how to keep it clean as they do their laundry. We'll see how that goes.
In cleaning out the laundry room, I found some items that we had removed from the kids rooms when we were moving everyone around and redecorating. I called the girls in to see if they wanted to use the supplies for crafting. I had no idea at the time what a brilliant idea that was for Spring Break!
They spent the next 2 days painting and creating. It was perfect.

We had a monumental event occur on Thursday! Isaiah lost his first tooth. It has been loose for a while, but popped right out in the middle of a wrestling match. He was so excited!
Some of the letters repainted. The "U" is being repaired.
Lauren made this African tree for me.
I have it at my desk so I can see it when I am at my computer.

Isaiah said this is Africa
A picture of Mommy picking flowers
(because I pick flowers all the time!)
Laila painted Swaziland
Sam had been saving up to purchase this treasure box at Hobby Lobby.
He painted it. He was so proud of his purchase and the work he did on it.
He even painted som rock for gold!

Love, love, love Abby's creation.
Cannot wait to take this girl to Africa!
Isn't he a cutie?
I have no idea where the glasses came from!
Kind of reminds me of Urkel.

Last night, Rick and I took Lauren to see "The Thorn" at the World Arena. Can I just say, "WOW!" It was one of the most powerful and moving live presentations of the Gospel I have ever seen. It was professional, entertaining, full of truth, and life impacting. I cried through most of it. You have to see it. We just took Lauren because she specifically asked us to, but next year, I will take the other older ones(it would be too scary and graphic for my 3 younger ones). It was worth EVERY PENNY it cost. I am so glad we did it. It was a perfect way to enter this Holy Week that is ahead of us.
I have something really fun planned for the kids tonight. I am so excited!!