Thursday, July 19, 2012


After my post about Africa yesterday, some very wise and timely words were shared with me that I am meditating on today:

Deny your “right” to do things the way you think they should be done and surrender to His ways. Deny your interests in the project and surrender to His interests. Deny your feelings of frustration and surrender to His grace. When we follow Christ, we walk in peace, love, joy, righteousness and the like. When we follow our own will and our own way—even when our will and ways are eager to serve God’s vision—we just plain wear ourselves out.

I know the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few. But your crew—however small it is—is a mighty force when you surrender to God. Don’t worry about who walks away from the vision, who betrays the vision or who is too scared to execute the vision. Just surrender the vision to God and He will bring you the resources you need for the victory.
-Jennifer LeClaire
"Knowing When It's Time to Surrender the Vision"

Surrender is not a one-time thing for me.  It is a process and decision I have to make on a daily basis.  So, once again, I surrender the calling.  I surrender my plans.  I surrender control.  I surrender the outcome.  I trust you God, completely.

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