Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Forever Changed

One year ago today, God woke me up in the wee hours of the morning and placed the calling of adoption on my heart. One year ago today, I couldn't even imagine that in less than a year, I would be the mother to 2 children from Africa. Now, I can't even imagine my life or our family without Isaiah and Laila. It has been a year of miracles, blessings, and challenges. I have seen God work in ways I never thought He could. He has broken me and strengthened me and I am a different person than I was. I am grateful, thankful, and don't ever want to be complacent in this journey. It seems only appropriate to share a quote that has resonated with my heart for the last 3 years in relation to Swaziland, Africa. Many of you already know it, but it is worth repeating.

The place where God calls you is the place where
your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.
Frederick Buechner
God's calling has brought deep gladness to my heart!!!


  1. Laura, I loved reading through your last few posts! Thanks for sending me the link so I can keep up to date with your awesome family! I wish I were closer so we could see each other, but I am blessed to read your words here for now :)

  2. God is amazing and worked the same miracle in our lives! God wants to bless us we just have to be willing to follow Him on the road less traveled!
